What makes a CFA Russian Blue?
People all over ask breeders, "Is MY cat a Russian Blue?" The short answer is no 99.9% of the time. Blue is a naturally occurring color in many cats including most other breeds. With so few breeders in the USA the chances of someone dropping off their $1000 pedigreed Russian off at the pound are slim to none. Breeders tend to want their cats back if their new family cant take care of them. So, lets look at the characteristics of a purebred Russian Blue.
1) Coat: short, dense, fine, and plush. Double coat stands out from body due to density. It has a distinct soft and silky feel.
What does this mean? It boils down to the cat feeling like the softest mink or finest velvet you've ever touched. You can leave your hand prints in the coat of good examples of the breed, or write your name if you choose.

2) Color: Even bright blue throughout. Lighter shades of blue preferred. Guard hairs distinctly silver-tipped giving the cat a silvery sheen or lustrous appearance. A definite contrast should be noted between ground color and tipping. Free from tabby markings.

As you can see below, the Transparent Tip (bottom image) fur itself is not one even color. It is grey on the bottom near the skin and the tips are clear. This is what gives you the shimmering coat when the cat walks and how you can see your hand print in their fur. The coloring is in these guard hairs. The undercoat is a soft downy gray. All of the coloring contrast comes from the guard hairs and their tipping.

3) Nose leather: slate grey. Paw pads: lavender pink or mauve. See below.

4) Pedigree pedigree pedigree. The only way to know you have a Russian Blue for sure is to have their pedigree. If a seller won't give you a pedigree from a respected association like TICA or CFA then that is a big warning flag. If your cat comes from a shelter and advertised the cat as a Russian Blue, the chances are slim to none that the cat is truly a Russian Blue. They don't mean any harm, they are just trying to describe the cat there in a fashion that people will be drawn to or understand.