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Health Issues?

While there is no health issue free cat, the Russian Blue tends to have very few health issues as a breed. Here are a few issues that do arise.


Kidney Disease

More than 30% of cats will get kidney disease at some point in their lives, and as they get older, the likelihood they will develop kidney disease increases. By the time they reach the age of 15, more than half of all cats are afflicted with some form of kidney disease.

Symptoms often include: frequent urination, increased water intake, bladder infections, vomiting, mouth ulcers, bad breath, constipation and weakness.

The best way to avoid the issues is to make sure your cat gets plenty of liquid. A diet of dry food alone is thought to be a big factor in causing kidney issues. Feeding your cat a mixed diet of dry, wet and raw food (among other types) can make sure that your cat is getting enough water and nutrients in them


Over Eating

Many Russian Blues love their food. To help your cat with their diet it is recommended not to free feed your cat once they are fully matured and done growing. A healthy cat would be between 5-10 lbs. This of course can vary a bit but if you have a Russian that's 20 lbs, you have a problem, you are over feeding your cat. 2 meals a day are perfectly acceptable for your cat. A breakfast and a dinner of varying types of food will help to maintain the lithe bodies they are known for.

Check the serving sizes on your food and follow the directions for the lbs the cat should weigh, not their overweight lbs.


Periodontal Disease

Again this is a issue for all cats. Please brush your cats teeth, take them to the vet for cleanings and check to make sure there are not any mouth issues going on. Gingivitis can lead to other issues as the gums can let bacteria and other things into their bloodstream. Eating some dry food can help keep the teeth clean and the gums healthy by the scraping action from eating it.

Gingivitis - check for red, inflamed looking gums.

Plaque - teeth will have coloring on them that is not white. (this means they need their teeth cleaned just like you do).



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