The 3 Types of Russian
Why do other Russian Blues look so different all around the world?

CFA Style
There were many different Blue cats 100 years ago that they all lumped together as Foreign Blue at shows. Over the years they separated them into multiple breeds. Russian, British, Chartreaux, Korat etc. What is now considered the roots of the RB are 2 different looks. There were larger and bulkier Blues with yellow eyes that look more like today's Russians in England AND thinner and more delicate Blues with green eyes like Swedish cats today. During WWII there was not a large enough population to keep all the breedings going. English Breeders bred with larger British Blue cats and European breeders bred with Siamese cats to continue the lines. This separated the 2 styles quite distinctly and a larger more British Blue look and a smaller and more Siamese look was born. Americans in the CFA imported both styles and bred them together. These American breeders decided which standard they wanted to breed to and gradually moved away from the larger British style and went for the more petite and delicate Euro-Swedish style. Over the last 70 years since then the CFA breeders have set their own standard and decided what they wanted to see in their cats. As a whole the breeders have leaned far from the British look. They've gone from upright ears and smaller eyes to yoda ears and giant round eyes. Slowly the rest of the world is starting to appreciate the work done here in America. The CFA cats are being imported all over Europe and being used in breedings that are producing the most award winning cats in Europe. This is a highly debated subject amongst the breeders in Europe as this is pushing their standard towards the CFA type and away from the British or Swedish type.

British style

Swedish style