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Royal Russian Blue History

For years it has been rumored that Russian Blues were living in the royal households of Europe and Russia. There has never been any solid proof until now. Yesterday Amanda Bright Talisker/Kyina Russian Blues found proof.

Queen Alexandra of England had an article written about her that included her owning Russian Blue cats. Below is an excerpt.

"Her Love of Animals

The Queen delights in pets of all sorts. She possesses poultry, rare birds, horses, dogs and cats, with which she constantly takes prizes at all the principal shows. Her Borzois hounds, her charming Pekinese spaniels, and her Persian, Russian and Siamese cats have become famous in the sporting world. To her is due the popularity that these breeds have attained in recent years, while the formation of the Ladies Kennel Club was the outcome of her efforts"

Queen Alexandra was Queen Victoria's daughter-in-law and she lived in the palace with her. Her sister was Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar of Denmark) who was married to Tsar Alexander III. Queen Victoria has long been rumored to have had Russian Blue cats. What sounds more logical is that the sisters Alexandra and Maria exchanged pets. Maybe Tsarina sent her sister some Russian Blue cats? It would certainly make sense. Hopefully more information will be found on this!


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